Do’s & Don’ts


Eat eye-friendly foods:

Eat a diet rich in Vitamins, anti-oxidants, and other vital nutrients. Vitamin A and beta-carotene in carrots are particularly good for your eyes. Also, seasonal vegetables, especially dark green leafy veggies such as spinach, broccoli, and fruits such as watermelon are good for your eyes. These contain lutein, an antioxidant that protects the eyes from damage and boosts eye health. Also, eat fish that are high in Omega-3 fatty acids.

Always wear sunglass when going out:

Sunglasses not only make you appear cool but also protect your eyes from the harmful UV rays. Be it a cloudy day or a sunny day, never walk out in the sun without sunglass. It’s because the UV rays can penetrate the clouds. Buy sunglasses that can block 99% UV rays.


Exercise is not just good for your overall health, but for your eyes as well. Exercise helps in reducing the eye pressure. You can try doing eye exercises. Follow the 20-20-20 rule when working long hours in front of the computer. Focus on an object that’s at least 20 feet away from you. Do this for 20 seconds every 20 minutes.

Wear protective eyewear:

There is a reason why some athletes wear protective eyewear. Even for active kids, protective eyewear may save one’s eyesight. Protective eyewear refers to safety glasses and goggles, safety shields, and eye guards especially designed for a certain activity (like basketball or swimming). Most protective eyewear lenses are made of polycarbonate, which is 10 times stronger than plastic. Visit your eye care centers and sporting goods stores.

Wash your hands:

To avoid troublesome eye infections like sore eyes and sty, wash your hands several times a day. Don’t go rubbing your fingers on your eyes after shaking hands with someone. That’s a sure way to get sore eyes. If you wear contact lenses, make sure your hands are clean before putting them in or taking them out. Follow disinfection procedures with your contact lenses.

Rest your eyes:

If you’re talking over the phone and you don’t really need to use your eyes, just close it while talking to your friend. Your eyes will feel rested and fresh.

Sleep eight hours:

Getting enough sleep will help your eyes recover from a long day’s work. Seven to eight hours of sleep is great. Make sure to wash your eyes with clean water every night and every morning when you wake up. This will help keep them from getting infected.

Check your blood sugar:

Diabetics are at higher risk for eye disease. That is why they need a comprehensive eye exam at least once a year. If you have diabetic retinopathy, you may need an eye exam more often. A major study shows that better control of blood sugar levels slows down diabetic eye disease (called proliferative retinopathy). Better sugar control also reduces the need for laser surgery. If you’re diabetic, see your eye specialist yearly.

To help improve vision, consider the Bates Method of eye exercises:

To rest your eyes, cup them with your hands for a few minutes. Do the Bates eye exercise: Hold one finger around eight inches in front of you and another finger at arm’s length. Then focus your eyes alternately on the near finger and then the far finger. Do this for 20 times to exercise the eye muscles.

Get a yearly eye check up:

Many common eye diseases (glaucoma, diabetic eye disease, and age-related macular degeneration) often have no warning signs. You might think that your vision is fine, but visiting your ophthalmologist is the only way to make sure. You may also visit your optometrist for your reading glasses needs. Remember, your eyes get tired and sick, too. Don’t take them for granted.


DON’T rinse or store your contact lenses with tap water or homemade saline solution:

Even purified tap water lacks the disinfectant properties of contact solution, leaving contact lens wearers vulnerable to harmful bacterial infections. Likewise, a homemade saline solution containing non-sterile water exposes the wearer to various microorganisms and puts your vision at risk. For the sake of your eye health, it’s always best to clean and store your lenses in contact solution only.

DON’T smoke:

We know that smoking increases the risk of cancer, stroke, and heart disease, but did you know that it can unfavourably affect your eye health, too? Smoking is linked to two major causes of vision loss- cataracts and macular degeneration. Research shows that it may be a risk factor for developing other vision problems.

DON’T overindulge in screen time:

Most of us spend a large part of every workday staring at a computer screen. Then we come home and get in front of a television, laptop, or tablet. While device screens can’t harm our eyes, staring at them for hours without a break  can contribute to eye strain. An easy solution is to follow the 20/20/20 rule: for every 20 minutes of screen time, take a break to look at an object 20 feet away for 20 seconds. 20/20/20 is the eye health equivalent to getting up from your desk to stretch your legs.

DON’T skimp on sun protection.

On hot summer days, we use sunscreen and wide-brimmed hats to protect our skin from the sun. Our eyes deserve no less protection. Prolonged exposure to the sun’s rays causes eye pain and can increase your risk of developing cataracts, eye growths, and even certain cancers. Protect yourself by wearing UV-blocking sunglasses on sunny days and never look directly at the sun.

DON’T put your eyes in harm’s way:

One of the simplest and most commonly overlooked ways of avoiding eye injury is to always wear proper eye protection. Whether you’re on the job, working in the shop, or on the playing field, a protective mask or goggles can make the difference between continued eye health and possible vision loss. The extra effort is a small price to pay to preserve your vision.

DON’T be a slave to your sweet tooth:

Everybody enjoys the occasional rich dessert, but a diet high in sugar can lead to obesity and cause conditions like diabetes, both of which are associated with vision loss. Maintaining a balanced diet should be a top priority for people with a family history of conditions like glaucoma and diabetic neuropathy. The future of your eye health may depend on it!

DON’T ignore your family history: 

Genetics play an important role in our eye health, and that means some of us are more liable to have serious vision problems than others. It’s essential to know your family eye history and share it with your ophthalmologist. While the reality of an inherited vision problem can be frightening, you have a better chance of beating the odds if you and your doctor know the whole history.

DON’T skip your eye exam:

If you have perfect vision, it can be tempting to save time and money by skipping regular eye exams. But even if you aren’t currently experiencing vision problems, many eye diseases can come on suddenly and accelerate quickly with few early warning signs. Annual comprehensive eye exams are key to identifying these conditions.

DON’T overlook simple hygiene:

You should always wash your hands full with antibacterial soap before putting in or removing contact lenses or touching your eyes for any reason. This simple extra step helps slash your risk of developing an eye infection.

DON’T hedge your bets:

If you experience vision symptoms (eye pain, redness, blurred vision, floaters, flashing lights, or sudden vision loss in one or both eyes) or if you have sustained an eye injury, make an appointment with your ophthalmologist as soon as possible. Some forms of vision loss are not reversible, so early detection and interventions are key to preserving your sight.